Manuals and TM's
Below are the manuals and TM's I have either found or scanned for RATT RIG's and their internal and external equipment. If the equipment is used in more then one type of RIG or it has been used both in RATT RIG's and other sets, it has it's own category.
Hundreds more military manuals can also be found on the Radionerds web site.
To aid in manual selection, it helps to know the numbering system. The older manuals were only a few digits and these contained all the information on the equipment. Later, the manuals were broken down by "user", which is the suffix. While not always correct, I offer a Manual Suffix Key; "10" is Operator; "12", "13", "14" and 15" is a Combination Manual and often a Complete Manual and may be the only one issued, "20" is Organizational Maintenance, "24","34" and "40" is General Support and/or Intermediate Support Maintenance", "35" is Depot Maintenance. Most any of the above can be followed by a "P" which is parts allocated at that level.
Info From Government Sources
The many later TM’s, concerned with single pieces of equipment, like “TM 9-1005-223-12”. The first number refers to the branch. The number “9” means that it is an Ordnance branch document. The second series of numbers refer to the subject type. The third series refers to the particular piece of equipment or subject. The forth series on numbers refer to the level of maintenance which the manual is concerned with. With “10-12” being operator and organizational maintenance level, and with higher numbers concerned with a higher level, 20’s being direct support, 30’s being general support.
If underlined, the document is available for download. Otherwise, I have bound copies that will be scanned as time permits. If you have any TM's you care to add to the library, please contact me.
Some of these files are HUGE! Please be patient. We may need to move the larger ones to the FTP server if it becomes a problem.